照明盛宴,即将启幕 亚洲规模最大、影响力最广的专业照明盛会——2024香港国际秋季灯饰展,将于10月27日至30日在香港会议展览中心隆重举行。这不仅是一场照明产品的盛宴,更是一个汇聚行业智慧、共谋未来发展的高端平台。 茂硕电源,引领智能驱动新风尚 茂硕电源,作为LED照明驱动电源行业的佼佼者,将携其最新的智能电源解决方案及大功率照明产品亮相一楼明灯荟萃廊的1D-C20展位。在这里,您将亲身体验到茂硕电源带来的卓越驱动应用与智能控制技术,共同探索照明行业的未来之路。 展会亮点纷呈,不容错过 · 国际品牌齐聚:众多国际知名品牌将携其最新照明产品和解决方案参展,共同展示照明行业的最新成果与发展趋势。 · 专业交流平台:展会期间,您将有机会与行业专家面对面交流,分享心得、探讨合作,拓展您的商业网络。 · 创新技术展示:展会将集中展示照明行业的最新技术成果,为您带来一场视觉与科技的双重盛宴。 展会详情 展会名称:2024香港国际秋季灯饰展 时间:2024年10月27日至30日 地点:香港会议展览中心(香港湾仔博览道1号) 茂硕展位:1D-C20(一楼明灯荟萃廊) 立即登记观展 为了方便您的参观,请提前通过以下链接进行观展登记: 
联系方式/Contact Information - 电话/Tel:400 998 0018 - 邮箱/Email:info@mosopower.com - 网站/Website:https://led.mosopower.com Exhibition Preview | MOSO invites you to the Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair from October 27 to 30 The most important and influential professional lighting exhibition in Asia - the 2024 Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair - is about to open! This event is not only a showcase for the latest lighting products and solutions, but also an excellent opportunity to network with industry experts and establish business relationships. Many internationally renowned brands will gather to showcase their latest lighting products and solutions, leading the new trends in the lighting industry. MOSO Power, Illuminating the Future MOSO will be located at booth 1D-C20 in the Hall of Famous Lights on the first floor. The company will be showcasing its latest smart power solutions, smart power products and high performance lighting solutions. We cordially invite you to visit our booth and explore the future trends of the lighting industry together. Booth Details Exhibition:Hong Kong International Lighting Fair(Autumn Edition) Dates:27-30 October 2024 Venue:Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center Booth No.:1D-C20 (First Floor) Registration Link 
We look forward to meeting you in Hong Kong Let's experience the exciting future of the lighting industry together! 
联系方式/Contact Information - 电话/Tel:400 998 0018 - 邮箱/Email:info@mosopower.com - 网站/Website:https://led.mosopower.com 郑重声明:此文内容为本网站转载企业宣传资讯,目的在于传播更多信息,与本站立场无关。仅供读者参考,并请自行核实相关内容。